Local Yokels

Local Yokels formed in 2017 with a mission to make food delivery services a "closed loop system" between producers and consumers.  They accomplish this by working directly with Washington farmers, using compostable packaging, and reusable bags in their effort to reduce their carbon footprint 95% lower than competing companies and even grocery stores.  Eliminating the middle man means that 95 cents to every dollar spent goes back into local farmer's hands. 

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Create an ad campaign to convince Seattle shoppers ages 45-55 already familiar with food delivery services to order from Local Yokels


5 weeks


Advertising, Illustrator joined by:

Jordan Beach and Tristan Pierce




To spotlight the brand slogan “Bringing the Farm To You,” we created scenes where produce available at farmers' markets was closer to the consumer than might be expected.  Using one spot color focuses the viewer's attention on the produce and enhances visibility of the ad.


After several brainstorming sessions we came up with an art direction to highlight the produce using simple, clean lines.  To emphasize the closeness of the food source, hands were cropped close pulling fruits and vegetables growing from the floorboards and lamp shades in the subjects home.  As illustrator, I started sketching several hands in charcoal on paper before moving into Procreate.  The tablet drawing tool created a smooth file transition system that could be easily passed to Tristan for the print ad layout or to Jordan for the banner ads and material mock ups. 

Banner ads

Tote bags


Using Format