Hideout Coffee

"My Seasonal Affective Disorder is exacerbating my Social Anxiety Disorder."  No small talk before I have my coffee.  And I don't want to hear any small talk after I have my coffee either.  I've consulted the charts.  I've looked out the window.  I dressed accordingly.  Shut up about the weather.  Why am I the jerk?  I'm not the jerk, you're the jerk!  I'm leaving.  I'm going to the Hideout.     


Create a loyalty program for a Seattle based coffee company using two spot colors.


4 weeks


Art Director, Illustration, Layout, Typography, Branding


Illustrator, InDesign, Photoshop


Taking the company name and location into consideration I created a vision for the brand after coming up with the tagline “Is it done yet?” which could be taken two ways: an impatient customer ready to take their coffee and get on with the day or a socially anxious person waiting for any interaction to cease.  I felt that the general sense of paranoia shown in the imagery reflected the stand offish nature and seasonally affected people of the Pacific Northwest.


Sketches were made of each of the figures across all pieces using pencil and paper.  These were then recreated in Adobe Illustrator using only two spot colors and the coinciding tints and shades.  The copy given was then placed over each asset in InDesign.  Later, the elements were mocked up using Adobe Dimension, although unsatisfactorily.  They were later recreated using Photoshop.

Cards front and back

Folder in and out

Table tent front and back

Cup design

Using Format